How to recover firmware on your 32-bit board


Suppose that you somehow damaged the firmware on your board and need to recover it. The following steps will help you to do that.

  1. You need GUI version 2.41b5 or higher. Find it on the download page.
  2. You also need a recovery firmware. You can find one here.
  3. Close FLASH pins on the board using a jumper shunt.
  4. Connect the board to your PC via USB. Note that the Red light has to light up on the board.
  5. Start GUI and do the following steps:
    • Select appropriate COM port. Do not press button "Connect".
    • Open TAB "Upgrade" -> "Manual".
    • Specify location of Firmware HEX file.
    • Select Board version -> v3 32bit.
    • Press button "Flash".
    • Wait until uploading to be finished.
  6. Unplug USB and remove jumper.
  7. Do automatic upgrade as described in the User Manual.

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